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Today: Apr 18, 2024

Wireless Network Tools: WAN IP Address

WiFi Client WAN IP Look Up Tool:
Use this tool is you need to find out what is your WAN IP address is. In nearest future we will add the IP address tracking system so that visitors will be able to see when their IP was requested on this page. The IP tracking system will allow to look up other IPs in our system.

               Your Current IP Address is:

Shown address represents the WAN (Wide Area Network) address. If you need to find out your internal IP address you will need to do that manually by following those steps:
   Under Windows:
        1. Press Start, select RUN menu.
        2. Type in "cmd" (without quotes) and then press enter
        3. Black window will appear
        4. Type "ipconfig" press enter
        5. You will see your local LAN IP address information

   Under UNIX:
        1. Open Console
        2. Type: "ifconfig" hit eneter
        3. You will se LAN IP Information

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